
Professor of Educational Psychology and Methodology

University at Albany, State University of New York

Welcome to my homepage!

This site serves as a repository of my scholarship and research, teaching, and writing. The easiest way to nagivate this site is to use the headings above, each having a drop box leading you to various categories of information. The site is still under construction, and so bear with me as I am filling in those missing pieces.

My scholarship and research in recent years has been on conceptual foundations of various psychological, educational, and policy aspects of gifted education. Particularly worth noting are two books I wrote on the topic: The nature and nurture of giftedness (2010), and Paradigms of gifted education (2014; with Fei Chen). The former is a major synthesis of the theoretical and research work in the past century, and the latter a guide to research. I have also conducted research on topics such as affective curriculum for talent development, early college entrance programs, the Big-Fish-Litte-Pond Effect, and teaching for creativity. Currently I am contemplating writing on a book on a talent development theory I have developed in recent years. You can click the heading "Scholarship" to find my publications on various topics from the drop box.

My teaching covers main topics of educational psychology. I have taught several graduate-level courses such as Educational Psychology, Advanced Educational Psychology, Advanced Topics in Learning, Motivation in Education, Seminar on Giftedness, Talent, and Creativity. You can click the course numbers (use the drop box under "Teaching") to find syllabi and reading materials for a specific course.

My speeches present some keynote and invited speeches I gave on topics of my interest and expertise on various occasions

My Essays include a set of essays (travel notes and life stories) and a few poems I wrote, in Chinese for most part, which reflect the personal side of my life, such as my travels, my family, my stories, my hobbies, and my reactions and reflections. I believe that personal experiences, feelings, and perspectives are what make us human, and sharing them is to affirm our humanity.

My books display a list of authored or edited books I published over the years

I hope you enjoy my site. Here is my CV for your information (click to view), and here is my email address if you have any question: ydai@albany.edu. You can also visit my faculty webpage: http://www.albany.edu/educational_psychology/68192.php.

David Y. Dai